Slice of Life 2020, Slice of Life 2021


Head underwater

The weight of all the tasks pushing me down

Can’t catch my breath

No break in sight

Trying to reach the surface


15 thoughts on “Drowning”

  1. Your poetry paints such a powerful picture of how so many teachers feel. Thank you for sharing your writing with the world.


  2. Thank you for sharing! Every teacher I’ve come across this week has talked about The Wall we’ve hit and can’t seem to get past! Hang in there.. I hear it gets better!


  3. Despite going under, you found a way to write this perfect poem describing how so many others feel. Breathe in whatever you can do right now and breathe out all the rest. Just breathe!


  4. I like how the word was at the bottom — appropriate for a poem like this. I love seeing poetry that reflects what is happening. Hopefully the waters will calm soon so you can float.


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