Slice of Life 2020, Slice of Life 2021

Dance Mom

Let me start by saying, I am not a dance mom. I know nothing about makeup and hair. I don’t know what it takes to get the girls all prettied up. Quick costume changes so not my thing.

But today, I was a dance mom, kind of. Sophia had her dance showcase dress rehearsal this morning. Knowing my limitations, I enlisted help. Hair I managed on my own, although I know I can do better next time. Auntie Kate came over to apply makeup and Sophia sat still and did not cry. We ran out of time and were running late. We made it to the dance studio and asked another mom to put on the fake eyelashes. Yes, I did say fake eyelashes for my six year old. I have never worn them, but Sophia wore them like a champ!

It was a crazy whirlwind at times and slow, long breaks at times. But, Sophia danced her heart out and had a great time. At one point, she texted daddy and said, “I am doing great.” It was so much fun watching Sophia with her dance friends. They did an amazing job dancing today.

So while I may not be a dance mom, I may be learning the ropes with the help of friends. So grateful for everyone who helped make Sophia look beautiful and feel special today!

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