
Walk and Chalk

Today, everyone kept talking about how nice the weather was going to be and that we should get outside. While we have been doing this most days, I was excited about the possibility of warmer weather.

We finally made it out late in the afternoon and it was not all that warm. The wind made it chilly and there was no sun. But we pressed on!

Instead of a scavenger hunt on our walk, we grabbed bags of sidewalk chalk and headed out. Every so often, the girls would stop to draw and write on the path. Kindness rocks and smiley faces and people and rainbows appeared on the path. The girls shared some kindness and happiness for others to see as they were out and about.

While it wasn’t much, it was our way of spreading some happiness. These days, we will take what we can get! The news isn’t positive, but we are trying hard to stay positive and encourage our girls to spread kindness. Hope this brightens your day!

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