Slice of Life 2022

Mom’s Taxi Service

Slice of Life 2022-Day 19

It is Saturday and the alarm rang at 6:17. I definitely was not ready to get out of bed. But then I remembered why the alarm was ringing, early morning gymnastics.

I grabbed my phone, searched for the requested morning wake up song, and headed into the girls room. Greeted with groans, I left the music and went to get myself ready.

After more groans, tears, and grumbles, we made it out the door for gymnastics, our first stop of the day. We were only about 2 minutes late. We said good bye to Izzie and started the trip back home.

Sophia and I sat on the couch and snuggled for just a bit. I snuck in a quick ride on the bike in the basement. Sophia got herself ready and we were out the door again, headed for theater.

I dropped Sophia off and headed home once again. Ahhh a few moments to myself. 10 minute yoga and a quick shower before I was out the door to pick Izzie up from gymnastics.

I waited in the line and eventually, Izzie came to the car. This time, there would be no stopping at home. We headed to theater straight away to pick up Sophia.

We left theater, heading for the library. We hadn’t been to the library in quite some time so this was a longer trip. Then I was asked by Sophia, “Can we go out to lunch?”

I wanted to say no. I wanted to just get home. But her sister had been out yo lunch twice in the past week, so I conceded, taking us to Panera.

We enjoyed our lunch together. It is not often that we enjoy time out at a restaurant. Finally, we headed home for the last stop.

So much driving and back and forth. Yet, I wouldn’t trade it for anything. I love knowing that I get to take the girls to their favorite activities. I do not, however, enjoy the alarm on a Saturday. Mom’s Taxi Service has hung up her keys…at least for today.

Lunch at Panera!

4 thoughts on “Mom’s Taxi Service”

  1. You bring back memories, not all fond ones. I clearly remember living this life for many years (we have five children). Even today, when I pinch-hit as the Uber driver for my grand kids, it can feel kind of crazy. You brought me right into the scene and I love your attitude towards this time with your children. It’s over in the blink of an eye, so enjoy it.

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