Slice of Life 2022

Ball of Nerves

Slice of Life 2022-Day 6

My alarm was set for 6:27am this morning. Yet, I lie awake long before the alarm, turning it off before it would start to buzz.

It was meet day, Izzie’s last of the season. I wasn’t even the one competing, yet I was a nervous wreck! As a mom, I want nothing more than for my girls to be happy and succeed at what they put their minds to accomplishing. Today, was no exception.

I lay in bed for awhile, knowing I should get up and moving, yet not ready to do so. Eventually, it was time to get moving. The morning flew by in a blur of activity. The drive was made more enjoyable by reading aloud a chapter from Harry Potter.

Finally, we arrived at the meet and headed inside. Waiting for the meet to begin, talking with other parents and friends made it go by just a bit faster. And then it was time. Warmups complete, the time came for the first event, floor.

After watching several of Izzie’s teammates, I anxiously awaited the beginning of her performance. She started off well, hitting all the moves in just the right spots. But then, disaster…she missed a move that she has been doing for years. Inwardly, I groaned. Her face turned red, flushed with embarrassment. This was not like her at all! She powered through and finished the routine.

My heart ached for her, as I knew she was going to be disappointed with herself. My hope for her at this point was for her to be able to move forward, as she still had three events to go. I know how hard she can be on herself.

The meet continued. Vault…okay. Bars…spectacular, her highest score of the season! Beam…great work! Izzie did not get in her own head and turned the meet around. Now we would wait for awards.

Awards…loud and noisy, straining to hear the announcement of the girls’ names. I was literally sitting on the edge of my seat. Finally, they began announcing Izzie’s division. Her name was called for the first event, vault, eighth. I made my way closer in order to capture the moment. Awards continued…second on bars, fourth on beam, and ninth on floor, even with her mistake. All around places were announced…fourth for Izzie! My heart leapt for joy, I was so excited for Izzie!

After the conclusion of the awards, Izzie made her way to us. I couldn’t wait to give her a big hug and tell her how proud I was! I gave her a hug, she began to cry, and my heart broke. She was so disappointed in herself, she hadn’t done what she knew she was capable of doing. No matter how many times I told her how proud I was, she still had tears running down her face. She had placed in every event, many medals around her neck. I wish she could see what I saw…a girl who had worked so hard all season, put herself out there, and did her best on this day.

1 thought on “Ball of Nerves”

  1. Way to go! I think your daughter should be so proud of herself. We often do not see in ourselves what others do. We are so tough on ourselves. I had to pop over to your blog and check it out. I love the name of your blog and as it reminded me of my own-slightly. Mine is called “A front porch view”. Happy blogging. Your girl deserves an icecream and a hug!


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