
Please Stay Little Forever

Going for a drive!

Please stay little forever…I had gone into the house with my many bags after picking Sophia up from daycare. She said she would get herself out of the car. So I believed her and started putting my things away, thinking she would be in within a few minutes. When she didn’t come in, I went out to the garage. And there she was, behind the wheel in the driver’s seat. Laughing and talking, pretending to go for a drive. All I could think about was that one day, Sophia would really be sitting behind the wheel as she headed out to see friends. One day, she would be asking for the keys so she could go to the store. One day, she wouldn’t need me to drive her to or pick her up from school or an event. I am definitely not ready for those days. So Sophia, please stay little for a little bit longer!

10 thoughts on “Please Stay Little Forever”

  1. Your post and picture made me happy and sad at the same exact time. You captured the emotion. I, too, have been thinking about my children growing up too fast. My oldest is almost sixteen-years-old and my youngest is nine-years-old. I also have two in the middle, and they are all growing up way too fast. When they are young, they will still hold your hand, give you a hug in public, and tell you that they love you in front of friends. Once they hit middle school, this all ends. Ugh! Although, I will say that the oldest will still go on nightly walks with me. Enjoy every single second of your daughter! You can try to slow it down, but you can’t make it, so enjoy it all.:) Thank you for sharing!


  2. A wonderful wish if only it could be true. I was looking over the photos of my grandbaby who is 21 months and could not believe that time has flown by. Savor the moments like the one you captured in a photo.


  3. I come for the pictures and stay for the slice. Your girls and your slices are so full of life, and this one is no exception. I wrote about my own daughter’s first driving lesson – I think she was eight! and several other moments that had me afraid to look and to look away all at the same time. One way I have found that is fun to capture a few of these moments is to write them from their point of view. I wonder what that little one was thinking as she sat – big-girl style – in the front seat, seatbelt and all!


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